Wajoli Foundation is made up of many different people, working together for a shared purpose.


“Providing opportunities to vulnerable families to create self-sustainable living through quality education, strengthening communities and empowering women.”


“That every person we serve would experience life transformation, resulting in self-sustainable living, changed communities and a purpose driven life.”


We value Life

We believe that there is a purpose for every human life. We believe that everyone deserves the right to live in peace - free of famine, war and trauma.

We value Relationships

We believe that people are of greater value than things. We know that positive life change happens through supportive relationships.

We value Integrity

We believe in the qualities of being honest and having strong moral principles. We strive to be men and women of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

We value Family and Community

We believe that all men, women and children are equal. We come together as a family to love, learn, share ideas and grow in strength to create a harmonious community.

Whatever we do, we will do it with all of our heart.

Watch the video to learn more about Wajoli Foundation.